Frequently Asked Questions

Reimbursement may be different per country or type of insurance. In the UK and The Netherlands, Urolon® is fully reimbursed by the health insurance. However, as not all hospitals and clinics provide this procedure, be selective in your choice of hospital or clinic. For other countries, please check with your insurance company.

A Urolon® treatment is mostly done under sedation so you do not experience the procedure being performed. The purpose of the sedation is to make the treatment more comfortable. Another option sometimes used is performing the procedure under a local anaesthesia. You will remain awake, but will not experience much of the treatment. You can discuss your options with your doctor.

Effectiveness can be different between people. However, on average over 80% of treated women still experience a positive effect 2 years after the treatment1,3. 

References: 1. Urolon instructions for use (IFU). 2. Koldewijn EL., Oerlemans DJAJ., de Wildt MJAM, et al. Treatment of Mild to Moderate Stress Urinary Incontinence with a Novel Polycaprolactone-Based Bioresorbable Urethral Bulking Agent. Data on file. 3. Mojsovic A. and Koldewijn EL. A retrospective analysis of 47 procedures using a bioresorbable polycaprolactone based injectable for the treatment of mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence in adult females. Data on file.

Yes, Urolon® can still be used when a sling was previously inserted. Always inform your doctor of all previously performed treatments.

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